Debbie bliss shurg from pure silk book

Having trouble following instructions for “shape sides”. Inc and work into patt one st at each end of the next row and 25 foll alt rows, working first and last 6 sts in panel B, the next 2 sts at each side in reverse st st, the next 16 sts at each side in panel A and the final 2 sts at each side in reverse st st.

I understand that we are increasing at each end, but I totally lost on the rest … help!

Inc on the next row, then every other row until you have 26 inc rows. As you increase, work the new sts into the stitch pattern - the first and last 6 sts are done in panel B, then there’s reverse St St (purl on the RS rows) and the middle sts are done in panel A. So you start out with
6 sts, panel B
2 sts, rev st st
16 sts, panel A
2 sts, rev st st
6 sts, panel B

As you inc you can make 2 of the new sts at each end in rev st st. then as you get more, do them in the last sts of panel A (at the beg of row) and the first sts of panel A for the end of the row.