Debbie Bliss roll edge jacket pg138


I have finished all my pieces and now Im having a difficult time understand the whole entire “collar” paragraph of this jacket. Please help. Thank you in advance.

sew raglan seams
with right side facing, beg 2 sts in from front edge,
pick up 19 sts up right front neck,
k2tog from safety pin,
work [k2tog, k4, k2tog] across 8 sts of right sleeve,
work [k2tog, k8, k2tog, k12, k2tog, k8, k2tog] across 36 sts on back neck holder, work [k2tog,k4,k2tog] across sts of left sleeve, k2tog from saftey pin, then pick up and k20 sts down left front neck, ending 2 sts in from front edge. 85 sts.

ok…on my right front side do skip the first 2 sts and start picking up 19 sts up the neck where I have 2 sts on a holder??? How do I pick up stitches?

Thank you!!

It seems you have it right: Skip the first two stitches, then pick up stitches working your way to the holder. When you get to the two on the holder, you should have picked up 19 sts.
To pick up stiches, insert the right needle into the edge of the knitted fabric, pull yarn through, and leave it on your right needle – one st picked up. You just have to make sure you space them evenly according to the stiches below.