I’ve picked up 40 st. right front, then cast on 51 st., then picked up 40 left front. I then started first side of hood with the wraps. Now it says to work the other side of hood but I can’t understand what’s happening with the cast on stitches.
Debbie Bliss Halima Cardigan
Welcome to the forum!
You might keep reading the directions to see when the pattern has you work the cast on sts. They are probably the back of the hood which will be attached to the sweater back. It sounds like the hood is shaped in 3 sections rather that in one or two.
Thank you for getting back so quickly. I’m s close to be done. There is no point that the patter says to pick up and knit the cast on stitches. When I finish the last row of second side it says second Next row K4,P1,[k2,p1]to last 4 its, k4. Cont. in pattern until hood measures 10 inches from cast on edge at centre back, ending with wrong side row. then it continues with Pattern 67, turn and work on theses stitches for first side of hood… I’m also not sure when I start second side of hood do I use a new ball of yarn. It’s very confusing for me.
It sounds like the hood is knit in two pieces? When you start the first side are you working with 40sts or with 40 + some of the cast on sts for the back?
The other place to look is at the end of the hood directions or under Finishing. There may be directions there for seaming the 2 sides of the hood together.
It never says t pick up cast ons
Join top seam of hood. Join cast- on edge of hood to cast-off sts at back neck. With centre of sleeves to shoulder seam, sew on sleeves. Join side and sleeve seams. Sew on
OK, you’re going to work wrap & turn short rows for 27 rows. Then you come to this row for the first side of the hood,
Next row Patt 64(67:70:73), turn and work on these sts for first side of hood.
This is where you are working on the original 40sts and adding approximately half of the cast on sts and incorporating then into the hood. The second side will probably be similar and use up the remaining cast on sts.