*&@#%! Dang it!


I just frogged something and started it again. Looks like I missed a stitch on the 2x2 ribbing so I guess I have frog it again. I"m only a few rows in but I’m SO not in the mood to this over!:frog:


sigh - Another trip to the frog pond. I’ve splashed there myself and we’re in good company.

i know the feeling. i think i’ve resigned myself to the fact that i cannot complete a project no matter how small and simple it may be without frogging at least once. sometimes i just have to temporarily give up and have a good cry. :waah: tea’s good, too. so is breathing.

then after a few days i attempt to :knitting: without :frog: again. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Yesterday I :frog:a Log Cabin Sock I had already turned the heel on. My 3 sons thought it was fantastic fun~me? not so much! LOL.

But I knew I wouldn’t be happy with it as it was coming out too small :oops:

Still. I hate frogging-I sympathize with you!!

of 4 stitches cast on.


That’s a newbie (me) for ya! I get to the end of the row, I’m working with 90 stitches (now corrected), I’m down to the last 4 and I’m excited because I have to knit 2 and purl 2 and I have enough stitches. Problem is, I’m ending with a K2 instead of a P2 because I didn’t do the math!

Problem corrected. Here we go again! Better luck this time!


Now that you’ve taken it out… you can do 2x2 ribbing on 90 sts, it’s just that you’ll end with k2, so will start the next row with p2.

It’s never a bad thing if you learn from it.

What is frogging and how is it done? Is there a video on it?

I feel your pain. My dd (2) decided to “knit” my first sock for me. I was about to bo. There were so many teeny tiny dropped stitches in various places that I decided it would be best to frog it (rip it) all out and start over again. To calm me after that, I set the sock knitting aside to do a shrug, and ended up frogging that 2x. Maybe I should just do a simple dishcloth:eyes:, I don;t think I can handle much more frogging in such a short period of time.:frog:

Frogging is just ripping out your work… you rip-it, rip-it, rip-it…

I’ve found that thiswebsite best explains frogging and how to do it. I’ve not seen a video on it, but the article I’ve linked has good pictures.

Oh, OK. I just did that to the very beginning. Sigh.

I’m seem to frog every piece of work I do. If I can hide it or it’s just for me I leave it. If not it’s rip-it time. For the life of me I can’t do the crochet hook thing. I’ve only been knitting for about six months.

Lisa, have you seen this page on Lion Brand Yarns for stitch recovery missions. http://learntoknit.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi?store=/stores/eyarn&faqKey=71&V2=
this only shows you how to recover a stitch on the knit side of stockinette, if you are on the purl side the bar(s) of yarn connecting the correctly worked fabric need(s) to be in front of the stitch before you pull it through the loop to make a new corrected stitch. If you are not a member of Lion Brand you will need to sign up to access the page, it is under their “Learn to Knit” section.

Also, Knitty has a nice article on repairing knit fabric here: http://www.knitty.com/issuespring06/FEATrepairs101.html

Here’s to successful repairing and frogging.

Lately I am trying to look at frogging as an opportunity to knit more without buying more yarn. I have a sweater I started in the round and got 6" into and decided it’s not going to work and have to frog. I also took 2 sweaters I made a number of years ago and haven’t worn much because they didn’t fit quite right and I disassembled and completely frogged.
Frogging because of a mistake in a current work is nothing after that.

I think there are no videos on it because of the audio that goes along with videos! haha! :teehee: No one wants their “educational video” banned for language!

Sorry to hear about this boo. Glad you figured it out. I was about to seam my sock toe and realized I decreased on every row for the toe. Oops. Little excited there! :wink:

Thank you! :muah: I figured out tinking on my own, but not the trick for unraveling several rows. I’ve been tinking multiple rows, swearing all the while, occasionally tossing needles and yarn across the room in fits of pique. :teehee:

This is going to make my life sooo much easier!

Yes, I actually have a condo I rent on the frog pond because I go there so often. My dear sweet partner loves to say “hmmm, yesss, knitting looks sooooo relaxing” while i’m pulling out stitches and using salty language! Maybe I’ll knit a ski mask for him without a mouth for those times so I don’t have to hear his ‘encouragement’

I made a hat last week. I started and restarted it three times before I finally got it right. Each time I ripped it out I was at least half way through, so I feel your pain. I was very happy to finish that hat and give it to the recipient.

oh, I hear ya, Gertie. i’ve been there many times…:roll: