I really enjoy knitting and wearing the socks I make. I’m just wondering…what type of shoes do other sock knitters wear their socks with? Sometimes it feels frumpy to wear clogs or mules, but I like the sock to be seen. I am not young, so the socks with high heel sandles look is not for me either. Don’t do Birkenstocks either.
Curious about socks and shoes
Most of my handknit socks (thanks, Mom!) are wool and very warm, so I generally wear them with boots, and sometimes with clogs. Most often, though, they are my choice for wearing around the house, without shoes. My mom wears hers with clogs/mules and even with her tennies.
I generally wear flat shoes that tie, and once in awhile a pair of clogs. At least the top (leg) of the sock is visible, and the important thing is, I know that I’m wearing cool handmade socks even if no one else does.
I mostly wear clogs, sometime regular old tennis shoe/sneakers.
I have always been tempted to get these clear clogs: http://www.knittersdreamstore.com/servlet/the-701/Clear-garden-clogs-womens/Detail to show off my socks :o)
[COLOR="#320096"]Well, you could wear your pretty socks as mittens.
Jellies are long out of fad, but those clogs are hanging on. Clear is plausible.
Call them Timberlakes and say you’re bringing jellies back!
Leave off the toes for flip-flop socks?
Never ask a man what kind of shoe to wear your socks with.
:roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard:
We think anything looks good with …
High heel stilettos!
Sew a bit of leather over the sole and the socks are the shoe.