Crochet grid stitches

Hi all,

I’m new to crochet having been an on-off knitter for a few years.

I’ve started a crochet beach skirt with big holes. The pattern for the grid requires 3 chain stitches then a double stitch into the corner of each square.

I initially tried this on bigger yarn and thought that it mean a treble instead of a double as the holes wouldn’t be big enough. I had read somewhere that US/UK crochet is different.

I’m knitting up the first few rows and every alternate row is raised. It doesn’t look like the photo (all looks flat).

Have I made a mistake by using trebles instead of doubles, is this why it’s raised? Or could there be another reason? Or is this just how it is?

Super wordy question but thank you in advance and happy to clarify details.


Looks good for a beach skirt. What is the name of your pattern?

Yes there certainly are differences between UK and US crochet terms.

Maybe some of our crocheters can help out here:


@salmonmac, really, you’re calling me a crocheter now?? You have raised my status beyond my ability! Haha!

@Stella.b I think what you are seeing is the difference between a row worked on the right side and a row worked on the wrong side. The right side row the chain of 3 looks like a chain, the wrong side row, or return row the chain of 3 shows as the back of the chain. I this you are seeing the right side chains as raised and the wrong side chains as recessed - this is as you said every other row.
If you zoom in on the pattern photo it does have some undulation to it and perhaps more easy to see on the orange colour yarn insert photo where the very top chain looks chain-like (as this is the right side being worked) but the chain below looks a little recessed and more knotty rather than v chains.
I’m personally not so keen on the look but this is how crochet is when worked back and forth.

As for whether it is a UK or US pattern and whether it would be a double crochet or a triple crochet… the link salmonmac has given is a good source, look through your pattern to see if there are any clues as to whether it is UK or US terminology.
Another way to work it out is to consider the turning chain, how many chains are used to replace the first dc/tr.

I don’t see that swapping dc for tr would cause the raised rows you’ve mentioned. It would only change the size of the rectangle made. The only point where it could distort the shape is at a turn if the turning chain isn’t long enough to be equal to the stitch used. I tried to zoom in on the split where the turn is but can’t work out what is there. If you want you can increase the chain at the turn to equal the tr you want to use.

If you don’t like the raised and recessed rows you might consider working the whole skirt in the round so you are always looking at the right side and never turning. You would need to make it without the split or could find out if crochet can be cut (like steering in knitting) I would imagine this is possible, crocheting along where the split would be to catch all the stitches and then cutting, but I have no idea how to do it. It’s just an idea.

You could also try a small swatch with the dc instead of the tr and see if you prefer how it sits.

I hope something here is helpful.


What pattern are you using? A picture of the skirt would be helpful especially if we can see the stitches more clearly. One clue to UK terminology is you’re unlikely to find any sc references. US uses sc which is the UK dc. If you don’t like the tc you can try dc and see if you like it better. You could even use a hdc. The only grid stitch reference I’ve found calls for sc but dc would work to make a more open fabric. I think I saw a video calling this grid stitch something else. If I can find it and it is the same I’ll come back and post a link.

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Found it. I remembered I was looking at wiggly crochet because I’m thinking of using it for a rug. Working into the back loop on the RS and the front loop on the WS might more of ridge I think. Or it might just look sloppy. Trying it on a few stitches would let you know.


I worked a bit up so you can see the difference between the US double crochet and the US treble crochet. The first few rows (bottom of the photo) are dc and the last few (top of the photo) are treble.
The height of the stitch increases and therefore the open rectangles are larger, but it makes no change to how the chains and stitches fit together or the RS and WS aspect of the fabric.


Thank you all so much for your comprehensive responses. Have backtracked and all looks ok now, I was knitting into only the front half of the corner stitch hence the wonkiness! Thanks again.


Oh I’m glad you worked it out. Sorry I didn’t spot that.

Hope it goes well and we get to see a photo of the finished project.

‘The Force Is strong with’ this one.

Well done on finding the cause of the ‘disturbance you felt’ in your project. (Yes, a nod to Start Wars)

‘May the Fifth never detect your presence’.

The beach wrap or skirt is a form of Filet crochet.

Yes, a US DC is a UK TC and the UK does not have a SC stitch.


I drew this image as a starter guide for filet crochet.


YAY! Nothing beats working out and fixing a problem IMHO.


Methinks thou dost protesteth too mucheth. :wink: You’re a crocheter though I prefer the word hooker just because I find it funny. Actually you’re better than me because you’re better at following patterns, figuring out problems, fixing them. I can do lots of things but translating them from my brain and fingers to something someone else can comprehend is nigh on impossible.

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Oh, when I searched Google on filet crochet, I found this pattern:

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Wow. Just wow. If I ever develop an attention span I might try something but not as ambitious this.

That is so beautiful crochet work. I love to crochet using bruges crochet.

Hi all, another call for help lol. I’ve knit up to where the slit will be and the pattern just says ‘join the two ends together’. Can anyone signpost to a helpful video please?
I’ve tried joining the corners using a DC stitch but when crocheting the next row its not even. The only videos I can find demonstrate sewing seams.

Please see photo (sorry the lighting is bad - can retake!) Thanks in advance

I would think this would join well with a slip stitch.
Do you know slip stitch?
Then I would think the next instruction would be a chain to raise the height (and which acts as the first proper stitch) and then to continue the row/round.

Here’s an alternative method to make an invisible join and starting stitch which you might like.
It depends what your pattern says to do next and your personal preference on using a different method.

I think the video is US terms and your pattern UK terms, you’d need to adapt to your stitch.

Hope this helps

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Slip stitch is the same in both US and UK crochet terms.

Are we using UK terms? You are joining the top of the slit in the skirt. I would use a slip stitch join. Then chain 3 as the first TC, (chain 3 for the first space, TC in the next TC) repeat between the (&) around.

Does that help?