Couple beginner questions

Hey just started knitting yesterday and ive got the basics down so far (castin on/off, knit/purl stitch)

but some things im wondering are

  1. Does the slip knot onto the needle count as one of the cast ons (like if they are calling for 20, do i do 19 cast ons after the slip knot, or 20)

  2. Does the cast on and cast off count as the rows? (same scenario…if it asks for 20 rows…does that include the cast on/off rows or no).

  3. Atm i can only really do square/rectangles…how to people form it into things like round stuff or what not…do i just form it then do i have to like sew ends together?

  4. I have my yarn on my right and end of the string on the left, do i just cut off excess string on my left after im done casting on or leave it to the end?

Thank you all VERY MUCH for any help you can give. I’m looking forward to being a long time knitter. Im also a guy and my family finds it hilarious that im knitting but i really enjoy it so far and cant wait to finish my first project :heart: :woot: :heart:

Welcome to Knitting Help where there are lots of guy knitters!

All good questions:
Count the starter loop as a cast on st.
Begin row 1 after the cast on unless the pattern tells you something else. Usually patterns tell you to knit so many inches or rows and then cast off, so again the cast off won’t count as a row (cast on, knit 20 rows, bind off).
There are ways of shaping your knitting by increasing and decreasing for example. See the Free Videos tab at the top of this page and look under Increases and Decreases. As a matter of fact, see the Free Videos tab for lots of demonstrations of techniques, how to get started and how to do small project.
There are also techniques for knitting tubes for hats, sweaters, or socks etc. in the round using circular or double pointed needles or other methods (right, again see Free Videos, Advanced Techs, Circular knitting).
Don’t cut off the end, it will find a way to unravel. With both the beginning strand of yarn and the ending strand, weave it into the sides or the cast on/bind off. Jan posted a great link to a site for weaving in ends not long ago.

Thanks for the questions and enjoy knitting!

Thank you very much for the speedy reply :slight_smile: