I have this lovely pattern for a cardigan, the body is knitted top down on straight needles. I’m struggling to get the yoke stitch count correct.
I have 36 stitches to back marker, then 36 to end. The first row of the pattern says: k1 [Rli, k3] 11 times, RLi, k2 pm k2, LLi, [k3 LLi] 11 times k1. That should according to the pattern get me to 96 stitches. But I only get to 90.
I think its something to do with the counting on the increases. On the instructions it says Right lifted increase: insert right needle into right side of st below the next st (on left needle) place on left needle knit into front. Does that mean the stitch above counts as one of the 3? On the Left lifted increase it says insert left needle into left side of second stitch below the last stitch (on right needle) from back to front place on left needle and knit into the back. Basically, I’m asking if the stitch above the increased one counts as one of the 3? I think I get the RLi but the LLi has me stumped.