Could someone help me with this

I’m making my very first sweater (yeah, me! :cheering: ). I’m providing the link to the pattern. It’s a cardigan sweater knitted in one piece. So far I’m doing very well. I’m just past the point for the “Right Front, Shape Neck”. It says

NOTE: Before continuing on the Right Front, read the section below that begins with ***.

***AND AT THE SAME TIME, when Sleeve measures 16 (18, 18, 18, 20) in. (40.5 (46, 46, 46, 51) cm), end with a wrong side row.

So, when I reached this part my sleeve was not yet 18 inches, so I’m continuing on with the instructions. I’m at about row 14. Here’s the thing - - I keep measuring to see if I’m at 18" yet - I’m not, but what happens if I reach 18" before I’m done with that section? If I hit 18" before the end of the section do I bind off the necessary arm stitches and just continue with the section? What are they getting at? Shouldn’t the pattern be written so this doesn’t happen? :??

Thanks in advance for all the help I know you will provide. You guys are the best for this. :thumbsup:

OOPS! Forgot the link:

K, I went and took a peek at the pattern and the schematic.
You’ve done the neck opening, right and are now on the front part, correct? The piece is being knit in a t-shape from bottom back to bottom front.
So, you’ve cast on your 18 stitches worked to the neck hole and started on the fronts and at the same time you are working your sleeves til they are 18 inches wide. When the sleeves are 18 inches wide you finish up with a wrong side row, bind off the 18 sts, continue the front as established work to the other sleeve and acroess it, turn, bind off those 18 sts and continue the front til it’s the length that is called for, then do the other front piece.
I hope that is making sense for ya. You’re just getting rid of the arms on the t there to make the front parts of the sweater.:guyknitting:

You’re supposed to continue the pattern rows 10-32 for the RF. When the sleeve reaches 18" you then start the shaping for the underarm. You will probably be doing that shaping while continuing the neck/front shaping too. That’s what `And at the Same Time’ means - you do the shaping on both sides at the same time.

Wow, that seems fairly complicated to me! I’m doing my first sweater right now too, so maybe to a more experienced knitter it would make more sense. Anyway…

It sounds to me like your sleeve should reach 18 inches at the same time as when you get to “Shape Body”, which is right under that ***NOTE in the pattern instructions. Then at “Shape Body” where it tells you to bind off 18 stitches- that’s your sleeve stitches. Does that make sense?

BTW, there’s a knit-along for “1st sweater” in the knit-along section- you should join us! :slight_smile:

I will join you in the “knit-along” section, Abbily. Thanks for pointing that out.

I’m working on the right front section right now, so there is only one sleeve to be bound off, not two, which is what it seems to me that “fibrenut” is indicating: “…at the same time you are working your sleeves til they are 18 inches wide. When the sleeves are 18 inches wide you finish up with a wrong side row, bind off the 18 sts, continue the front as established work to the other sleeve and acroess it, turn, bind off those 18 sts and continue the front til it’s the length that is called for, then do the other front piece.”

The left side sleeve stitches are currently on a stitch holder and won’t be worked to completion until the entire right side is done. Only 7" of both sleeves were worked at the same time. At that point the work was divided for the fronts.

So, suzeeq, what you’re getting at is that if I reach 18" (which seems likely given the instructions) that I’ll jump down to the “Shape Body” section where it speaks of the binding off the 18 stitches for the sleeve, but instead of continuing with the instructions in the “Shape Body” section I continue with the “Right Front” section until I’ve reached the 32 rows as indicated, just ignoring the # of stitches that would have included the sleeve stitches? Then, after row 32, I finish up that side with the instructions from the “Shape Body” section?

:waah: Nevermind!!!:out:

So, suzeeq, what you’re getting at is that if I reach 18" (which seems likely given the instructions) that I’ll jump down to the “Shape Body” section where it speaks of the binding off the 18 stitches for the sleeve, but instead of continuing with the instructions in the “Shape Body” section I continue with the “Right Front” section until I’ve reached the 32 rows as indicated, just ignoring the # of stitches that would have included the sleeve stitches? Then, after row 32, I finish up that side with the instructions from the “Shape Body” section?

It looks like the Shape Body section is only binding off for the sleeve, working in stockinette and keep the 5 edge sts in garter. So yes, keep on with the RF shaping.