Thank you.
My mind just went blank - I’m struggling with pain management and not able to think straight at times - I’ve done mattress stitch so many times but just couldn’t work out what stitches I needed so my rib would meet up, or how to work the colour so it would line up after seaming.
I’m set now though. I think.
I decided to let the seam edge have extra main colour and add in the second colour pattern as enough stitches become available with the increases.
Even in the round I would have been wondering how to maintain the pattern with the increases and the colour jogs. For one thing I can’t knit small things in the round, just can’t, for another I can’t figure how the colour jogs in the spiral of the round don’t mess up the colourwork. Maybe I’ll get to grips with it one day.
My flat stranded colourwork has turned out with a much better tension too. I don’t mind working the wrong side it feels almost as comfortable as the right side and a lot more comfortable than when I try to knit a small number of stitches in the round.
It’s a noridc pattern, sleeves for my son’s colourful cardigan. I’m only half following the pattern too - just to add to how much my brain has to work out! I hadn’t planned on going rogue but he chose a pattern he liked and I thought it would be easy to just follow, but later I discovered the size was quite strange and the gauge for the yarn he chose didn’t go with the gauge on the pattern, and, and oh dear. But I think I have it. I’ve measured it all out and worked out the increases from cuff to under arm. Fingers crossed eh.
The pattern I am using but not following is this one