Confusing pattern

Hi, i am confused by the following row in my pattern, it reads:
P1 [1:0], (k1, p1) 2 [2:3] times, * p1, k6, p1, (k1, p1) 4 [4:5] times, k0 [1:0], rep from * to last 13 [13:14] sts, p1, k6, p1, (k1, p1) 2 [2:3] times, k1 [1:0]
i have 92 sts on my needle ans am knitting the 3rd size. I have been reading the pattern like this
K1 p1 k1 p1 k1 p1
P1 k6 p1 k1 p1
P1 k6 p1 k1 p1
P1 k6 p1 k1 p1
P1 k6 p1 k1 p1
P1 k6 p1 k1 p1
P1 k6 p1 k1 p1
P1 k6 p1 k1 p1
i then have 16 sts left, but still have to p1, k6, p1 (k1, p1) 3 more times, this to me is 30 more sts? am i reading this wrong?

I think you’re doing the second section wrong.
"* p1, k6, p1, (k1, p1) 4 [4:5] times, k0 [1:0], rep from *"

You only repeat the (k1 p1) 5 times. So it’s p1, k6, p1, k p k p k p k p k p and repeat those 18 sts. Then finish up the end.