Confusing pattern

Ravelry pattern “Newborn top down Cardigan”
By Nancy Pietraszek, its a free pattern. I am really having much trouble with it. Pattern has a “ spiral rib” that consist of 4 rows, I get that.
This pattern repeat begins at Row 7 of sweater pattern which says to work pattern Row 1, then on Row 8 it says to work pattern over next 6 sts. But what pattern ??? Would it be pattern 2 of the spiral rib pattern?? I really don’t understand it. Would you kindly decipher this for me in simple terms?? I think there is something really wrong with this little sweater pattern. I will send picture of instructions

I think it is this one?

Yes, you are correct that the first time it says to work pattern stitches it means row 1 or the 4 row pattern repeat given at the beginning and that the second time it days to work pattern (row 8) it means work row 2 of that 4 row pattern repeat.
It may help to place markers between the border and the pattern and the pattern and the stockinette part of the work.
It may also help if you have 2 stitch counters, one for the 4 row repeat and one for the main project rows.
Or figure out another way to mark which rows you have completed. For instance a paper clip or post it sticker on the 4 row repeat which you can move as you complete a row of itso that it is always pointing to the next row you will do.
I have used both paper clips and post it stickers in various ways to mark patterns as I work them.

Establishing a pattern at the beginning of a project is often the tricky bit but you’ll get used to the way the pattern works as you go along.
As the the pattern uses only 6 stitches you will work the full row of the pattern as given for the instruction of working 6 stitches in pattern.

Please could you remove the photos of the pattern (there is a little pencil icon to edit posts) as it is against designer copyright to post large parts of patterns. It’s ok to quote a line or 2 to get help and also ok to link to where the pattern is available.

Hope this helps

Thanks for your reply, but I still don’t know when to work Pattern 2, 3, and 4 :frowning:

When you work across Row 7 of the sweater, place pattern row 1 (the cable pattern) just inside the garter stitch bands.
On Row 8 of the sweater, place pattern row 2 just inside the garter stitch bands.
On Row 9 of the sweater, place pattern row 3 just inside the garter stitch bands.
On Row 10 of the sweater, place pattern row 4 just inside the garter stitch bands.
On Row 11 of the sweater, place pattern row 1 just inside the garter stitch bands.
Continue with the sweater rows, repeating the pattern stitch rows 1-4 remembering to place the buttonholes on the correct row and working the increases on either side of the 4 sleeve markers.

For example the pattern rows are bolded:
Row 7: k5, M, pattern 6sts, M, kfb, M, kfb, k4, kfb, M, kfb, k14, kfb, M, kfb, k4, kfb, M, kfb, M, pattern 6sts, M, k5.

Oh!! Thank you Salmonmac, you are really great at deciphering and explaining the pattern. Much appreciated!!!

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Hi Salmonmac, I seem to be moving along, but the Pattern says at the end of Row 8 “knit front/back before and after sleeve markets” but which ones are the sleeve markers?
It reads:
kfb,PM,kfb, k4, kfb, PM, kfb, k14, kfb,PM, kfb, k4, kfb,PM, kfb, PM,
I find this pattern so confusing, your help is much appreciated!!

Do you have this project on the needles already?
Sometimes it’s easier to decipher pattern instructions when the stitches and stitch markers are there on the needles in front of you.

Some of the stitch markers are to indicate the pattern section (the 4 row repeat) and some indicate where the sleeves are. If you can see where the button band and then the pattern is being worked you will more likely be able to see the 4 markers indicating the sleeves (one each side of each sleeve).

This pattern does have a lot of things to remember all in one go and is written in a very concise manner so it’s no wonder you’re finding it a bit confusing. Once you get going (with notes, reminders, row markers etc) I think you’ll get into it and it will become less baffling.

It looks like the “kfb,k4,kfb” are the sleeves.
The k14 is the back of the sweater.
Once you get past the first couple of rows, this will all start to look more like the sections of a cardigan. It’s making sense of those first rows that is the challenging part. And as Creations posts, seeing it on the needles will help.
I’d use different color markers on each side of the 4 sleeve sts (actually 6sts when you count the kfb sts) if you think that will help. Alternatively you can place a marker or safety pin on the knit fabric once you have a row or two worked to indicate the sleeves.