I’m working on the left side of a vest with a cable pattern down the middle, but I got stuck with the instructions for shaping the front and sides. Right now I have 44 sts.
“P2. M1P. P14. P2tog. P1. Pat to end of row.”
I got that part; it was a RS row. But then there’s this:
[B]“Keeping continuity of pat, inc 1 st at side edge, as before, on every following 12th row from previous inc twice more, AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st for front edge (before Cable Pat) on 2nd and every following alt row once more, then every following 4th row 7 times. 37 sts. Work 3 rows even.”[/B] :oo:
Is “previous inc” the M1P? Is it like:
M1P row
foll 2nd row dec 1
foll 6th row dec 1
foll 10th row dec 1
foll 12 row inc 1
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!