
Hi, I’m wondering if someone can help me and write what row #8 of the attached should read, as it’s showing the repeat pattern are different. All the other rows, the 2 sets of the repeat pattern are the exact same, but row 8, they’re different. If someone could write out what it should be, would be really helpful.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.!
Here’s the link to the pattern.


What pattern is this from? A link to it or the names of the pattern and designer would be helpful. The ‘b’ doesn’t make sense.

Without knowing what the ‘b’ means:
I’d say the repeat is (k7, p1) .
The ‘b’ could be a typo sort or mistake. If it’s supposed to be a dot then it would be:
(p1, k6) for the repeat.

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Thanks. Here’s the link to the pattern

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Thanks for the link, and even better it’s a free download for a really pretty cardigan. I looked at the key for the chart and it shows the symbol as meaning k1 tbl. I noticed that on p2 the line is written out as * k1 tbl, p6, k1; rep from * I hope you share photos with us. What yarn are you using?

Screenshot from 2023-06-19 23-40-45

It’s interesting to compare the written directions for the diamonds to the chart. I couldn’t tell for sure which of the two repeats was correct or if the difference was just meant to be that way. As GG said, the repeat is (k1tbl, p6,k1.
KH chart

It is a dazzling cardigan. Enjoy!

Thanks for clearing that up, as the chart and written are different, so I’ll just go with the written.

I’m just new to knitting, about 2 years now and YouTube taught. Sadly I’m a winging it kinda lady. So the yarn is from a shawl my sister gave me and all I know is it’s Alpaca. Sooooo I’m searching with different sizes of needles, but I’m thinking it really does need to be super fine yarn, as this alpaca is too thick and the diamond pattern isn’t showing up and it’s pretty stiff to get gauge. I will definitely share a picture if I get the right yarn.

Yah see that was my confusion. Thanks for the validation that it wasn’t just me who lost the plot.