Confused on knitted mittens pattern

I’m confused on my fingerless mitten pattern. I’ve just done the thumb rib and casted off the centre 17 sts in rib. But then it says “with wrong side facing rejoin yarn to last 19 sts left on needle.“ But do I cut the yarn after finishing the cast off rib on the thumb or just continue? Unsure what it means by rejoin yarn? Any help would be greatly appreciated :blush::pray:

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name and designer of your pattern?
The presence of the direction to “rejoin” means that you will cut the yarn after the cast off of the center 17sts. For whatever reason, the pattern wants you to start the next row on the last 19sts with the wrong side facing.
You can rejoin a new yarn strand by holding about 6" of the yarn tail alongside the left hand needle and knitting with the new strand. After a stitch or 2 you can drop the yarn tail which will be used to weave in later. The first couple of sts will be loose but you can snug them up by gently pulling on the yarn tail.
If your cast off leaves the yarn strand at the last 19sts with the wrong side facing however, you should be able to just continue without cutting the yarn. Knowing the pattern name may help us.

Many thanks for your reply. Here is the link to the pattern

Very nice. Marisnna Mels patterns are always so pretty.
Yes, you’ll cut the yarn and then reattach to the last 19sts. Thanks very much for the pattern link. This pattern will be very useful! Have fun working the rest of the mitt and mitt #2. We’d love to see a photo when you finish.

No problem, Marianna Mel’s patterns are always really good. Ok thanks for clarifying - I’ll give it a go :+1: