Confused about hat pattern

Hello, very new here! :slight_smile:
I have a question regarding a particular line of a pattern.
I’ve casted on 80 stitches on circular needles, have already done 2 inches of knit/purling, and now I need to start the rest of the hat, and I am quite confused.

Okay, here it is:
Row 1: K1, *yo, yf, sl 1 as if to p, k1, psso; rep from * , ending with k1.

Then it says: rep row 1 for pattern. Note: on subsequent rows, you willl always be slipping the knit sts, and knit the yo sts.

I’m confused about the yo, yf part, becuase aren’t those the same? Also, about the psso. Where is the slipped stitch that I’m supposed to pass over? Also, how many stitches will I be using for it, disregarding the beginning K1, and the ending K1?

Any help is much appreciated! (And if this sounds like a hideously stupid question, sorry, I’m just a beginner)

Let me try.

  1. No such thing as a stupid question. Some patterns are clear to some and other looking at it will find it confusing. We have all been there.

  2. “I’m confused about the yo, yf part, becuase aren’t those the same?” No a a YF is with “Yarn in Front” slip 1. This creates a part of the pattern by placing a piece of yarn in front of a stitch.

  3. Knit the next stitch. Now pass the stitch that you slipped (with the yarn in front.) over the stitch you just knitted.

Row 1: K1, *yo, yf, sl 1 as if to p, k1, psso; rep from * , ending with k1.

  1. Knit a stitch
  2. create a “YO” increase
  3. Bring the yarn to the front
  4. Slip the next stitch as if to purl
  5. Knit a Stitch
  6. pass the stitch slipped at 4. over the stitch knit at 5.
  7. repeat steps 2 thru 6

Does this help?

Then it says: rep row 1 for pattern. Note: on subsequent rows, you
For yo, you bring the yarn to the front and over the needle. In this case, the yo is followed by a yf, slip one, so you should bring the yarn forward for the yo, over the needle and then around the needle to the front again, slip the next st, knit the following st and then psso.

I’ve underlined the slip st that you’re supposed to pass over the knit st below:
Row 1: K1, *yo, yf, [U]sl 1 as if to p[/U], k1, psso; rep from * , ending with k1.

Just looking at the pattern repeat, it will use up 2 sts: the slip st and the k1.

No one mentioned this, but I think after you bring the yarn forward and slip the stitch you need to move it back to the back before the knit. If you don’t you’ll create a YO.