Not a free pattern, can’t link, but men’s cabled cardigan. Working the back, after the armhole is completed, you start the shoulder shaping, which seems pretty standard with the BO 9 sts at the beg of so many rows la la.
The part throwing me of is an “AT THE SAME TIME” shape neck as follows, Work to center 24 stitches, join another ball of yarn, BO center 24 sts, work to end. Working both sides at once, BO 3 sts at each neck edge once, then 2 sts once.
I don’t have much garment experience, so just want to make sure. After the neck shaping, I will have X amount of stitches for each shoulder side and the reason for the 2 balls of yarn is because it’s then split by the X bound off stitches for the neck, yes? So like my first rows, for example, would be:
BO 9 sts, work to center 24 sts, join new ball of yarn, BO 24 sts, work to end.
BO 9 sts, work to last 3 sts, BO last 3 sts (neck edge). Drop this side of shoulder, pick up other side of shoulder, BO 3 stitches, work to end.
(I might not be visualizing the RS/WS correctly, but is that the gist?)
And also, that “then 2 sts once” is the end of the back instructions, is it safe for me to assume that with the shoulder shaping in concert with the neck shaping, all my stitches will be bound off at that point? I could do math but it’s almost 4 a.m. lol I just mean is that how it traditionally works?
Thanks a bunch!