Completed Christening Gown

Thanks to all those who helped me with the pattern for my darling girls christening gown. The accompanying blanket ended up being a shawl without fancy edging as I ran out of time but still looked the part.

Lou xx


Oh my word! Absolutely amazing!
This will be a family heirloom. It is made so well and turned out fantastic.
Your daughter is gorgeous too. It looks like the day was a huge success, congrats!


Perfect combination of absolutely darling girl and stunning christening gown. The photos are precious mementos of a memorable day. Your knitting is outstanding.


You did an amazing job on the gown and shawl but they pale in comparison to the lovely baby. Well done on both! One day her child might wear the gown and be wrapped in the shawl.


Gorgeously stunningly beautiful little Angel :heart::heart::heart:

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Even my husband said “Wow!” I’m very impressed with your knitting. The baby looks like an angel.

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Thanks so much for all the lovely comments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Absolutely beautiful! She looks so Angelic in that beautiful gown.

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So beautiful. Who wouldn’t treasure a set like that? A true heirloom to be kept & admired. And a stunning ‘model’ too.

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