Hey everyone! I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to combine sections. I am knitting a large blanket & thought it would be easier to do in sections, then sew them together. I think my problem is that my knitting style isn’t “normal”. I knit every stitch through the back of the loop using the Continental Method. The yarn I am using is a super bulky baby blanket yarn made by Bernat. When I try to combine the sections the stitches seem smashed & the seam is very visable. So I tried to use a less bulky yarn to sew them together but still get the same result. Anyone have any advice?
Combining Knitted Sections
You could try making the seam look like part of the design element. I learned how to seam blocks of knitting together using a crochet hook. You put the two squares or sections side by side. On the bottom right corner of the square on your left, insert the hook from top to bottom. Draw up a loop of white or contrasting yarn. Insert the hook into the bottom left corner of the second square from top to bottom. Draw up a loop. Slip the first stitch over the second. Just keep doing this stitch and alternating from side to side. It makes a pretty zigzag type edging, joins them together, and looks like it was supposed to be there.
What if you try mattress st to do the seams? It will be essentially invisible on the right side and create a rather neat seam on the wrong side. There’s a video under Free Videos at the top of the page, Tips. Your idea of using a less bulky yarn for the seam is a good one and would work with mattress st as well.
You should still be able to use mattress stitch to seam them together. When you knit the sts through the back loop do the look twisted? If you’re wrapping the purls ‘backwards’ then knit tbl will make them untwisted. Continental only refers to holding the yarn in the L hand instead of the R - how you wrap or knit the sts get into the different variations. If your sts are twisted, then you might want to change something, or always knit into the leg closest to the tip of the needle whether that’s in the back or the front of it.