Color knitting - help -- more questions below

Geez I am just feeling spunky in my knitting lately… what style of color knitting do you use for something simple like the VW hat? Would it be IntarsIcantspellit?

i would guess that is the one called stranding method on the advanced techniques tab.

Ok, so I watched the videos a few hundred times so I think I “get it”. But, how do I get the CC color on the needles? Do I just start knitting with it when the time comes for it? And do I just abandon it when I am done?

lol…well i can’t help you there. i managed to avoid having to use that method on a project i was working on by just embroidering on my design…lol

Ok well… that was deceptively easy. What was I scared of again :??

But I still don’t get the pattern :frowning:

Ok, how do I carry the CC up? It is just kind of haning out (and when I turn my work that means IN FRONT not in back :frowning: )

And also how do (or can ) I carry a color up a row if I don’t want to use 2 colors on that row? And how many rows can you carry a color up if you can?

I don’t know how far you’ve gotten, but you attach the CC yarn a few st from where you need it and knit according to the chart. I hope you’re going back and forth. You read the front from r to l and the purl side from left to right . Just bring the new yarn up under the one you’ve dropped to avoid holes. I hope this explains something. If not, I’m here. And I love this stuff. :smiley:

A little more. If you have a row where you don’t use that color, you bring it up if its just a few rows. If more, you take it off and reattach. It really depends on how “neat” you want the inside to look. This hat is kind of an intarsia/fairisle because you are kind of knitting fairisle style for an intarsia pattern, meaning that its not carried all the way across the hat. I think I just made everything more confusing. Come on over. I’ll show you. :smiley:

I hope you’re going back and forth. You read the front from r to l and the purl side from left to right

:shock: Good to know… because I was reading it L-R the whole time (but this chart is the same on both sides so it was working ok) It’s just a practice swatch anywho! Ok R-L on the P side. Got it :thumbsup:

No. . . . on the front, r to l like regular knitting.

On the back (purl side), l to r.

Whew! Ok I think I got that straight now. Can you only do Fair Isle or the other one which I can’t spell on St st? Or can I do on garter?

I don’t think you could do Fair Isle in garter because the yarn has to get carried across the back. You can do it in the round or on straights, but I believe all the knits need to be on the one side and you carry the yarns on the back. When you do it on straights, you have to remember to read the pattern for the back from left to right, and you have to purl with the strands on that side, so it’s easier, though not necessary, to do it in the round.

For intarsia (thats I-N-T-A-R-S-I-A) :wink: , you probably could be more flexible, but you still have a “messy” side and a smooth side, so it probably wouldn’t be advisable.

I’ve seen purl rows and purl st incorporated in Fair Isle and intarsia patterns, but the yarn is still carried across the back and the purls are just for a more textured look.

Ok (sorry to be a pain! I am a real “questions” person) I am going to try and do a chart that I created on my own. What side do I start on? I mean do I begin on a knit side? Does it matter much as long as I can read the chart correct?

Just draw the chart anyway you want. I would knit the front from the right to left and back from left to right if you’re working on straights, just so that in the future you can be in that habit. Once you get the first row of the pattern in place, it’s usually easy to follow because you can see from the chart if you are putting the next row in the right place.

And I don’t mind the questions, at all. The only people who I can talk to about knitting are the ones I’m teaching at work and they’re beginning beginners. :smiley: