Cliffside Cardigan Pattern — Two of Wands


I am a fairly beginner knitter. I’ve knitted quite a few hats and scarves but this is my first attempt at a cardigan.

I’m confused at this shape the neckline part. Could someone please explain to me what is means when it says turn? I have 28 stitches on my needle so I assume I bind off 3 then work the next 4 stitches in pattern then I turn the work and start knitting the other direction and work the 5 stitches then bind them off? Won’t turning without wrapping leave a hole? I appreciate very greatly any help

Welcome to KH!
Ordinarily turning would leave a small hole but you are about to form the neck opening of the sweater. When you finish binding off this shoulder, you’ll join a new end of yarn to the sts remaining on the left hand needle and bind off the center 12 sts which will leave that neck opening. The turn will form part of the neck edge.
Good luck with your first sweater. This looks like a good one to start with.

Thank you so much!

Ok I’m sorry I’m so confused. I have followed the instructions to where it says turn. When I turn my work I would have 5 stitches on the left needle. The next instruction says work in moss across the row so I am working moss across the 5? Then I have all stitches on the right then I flip it and bind off those 5? But how is this done I would have one left on the right? Then I break yarn and rejoin where?

Yes, work across those same 5 and then bind off the 5sts. For the one left on the needle after the bind off, you can fasten off like this.

When you turned to knit the first shoulder, there were unworked sts on the left hand needle. Now you’re going to go back and knit those sts. Join the new end of yarn to the first unworked stitch leaving about a 6" tail to weave in later. Don’t worry that the first stitch or two are a bit loose. You can always snug them up by pulling on the yarn tail.

Thank you so much I was so discouraged and now I think I can do it! I am so thankful for this forum.


Hang in there and don’t hesitate to ask questions in this forum; these folks are extremely patient, understanding and supportive. I have been a member for a few years and salmonmac and grumpygrandma (to name but two) have saved my sanity more times than I can count. Because of them, I have become a much more adventurous knitter and continue to love knitting! I look forward to seeing your finished sweater-