Circular needle problem

I’m new here. I’ve got a pattern for a child’s turban hat, which I’ve knitted successfully on straight needles but I want to now knit it on circular needles. My problem is getting the purl sections to purl properly. I have managed the initial purl section by knitting alternate rows of plain and purl, and it is just how I want it. The next section is stocking stitch, so that’s just rows of plain. That has worked fine. Now I come to the next section of ‘purl’ but i’m doing what I did in the first section, i.e. alternate purl and plain, but it’s not working! Also I’m changing colour here and don’t want the loop showing the change to be on the outside. I’ve undone it and redone it a number of times, changing the first row of the ‘purl’ section to be plain, then a purl row, but it’s still not working!

Can anyone advise please?


Are you knitting inside out?
I do and so do others. When you are knitting inside out the loops will e on the outside, also helps a lot with tension for motif, patterns and colour changes.

Have a look at this thread. Knitting inside out in the round - can it be an issue?

This might be helpful

and this

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
What is the name of your pattern and the designer?
Perhaps a photo would help us figure out what’s going wrong. Use the lanscape icon in the middle of the top banner in the Reply box to upload a photo.
Flipping inside out is a good possiblitiy, YarnPlease.

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Thanks so much for this, I’ll have a look.

Appreciate you taking the time to answer

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