Christmas stocking

I didn’t finish this in time for Christmas 2009, but it will be ready for next Christmas! It’s done except for weaving in the ends. I think I’ll have my mother line it for me (I can’t sew).

If you’re on Ravelry, you can read about it here

If you’re not on Ravelry, I used Muench Touch Me in purple. The pattern is Fireside Stocking by Kate Gilbert. The pattern is actually much more complicated and beautiful. :slight_smile: I used just 2 colors of yarn instead. I’m not quite ready to do the original pattern.

That will hold a lot of goodies! :yay:

:passedout: Wow! Wouldn’t want to have to fill that stocking!

Now there’s a stocking for someone who’s been extra special good! The pattern in lovely, but I really like the two color stocking as well!

:slight_smile: That’s exactly what my husband said! He wondered why it was “so big!” I told him it was “so big” so he could fill it for me next year.

Great job! It turned out wonderful!

Wow! This is a stocking in a little kid’s dreams! :thumbsup: Good job!