cheking my understanding on pattern (shape neck)

I’m not sure if I understand the pattern correctly. English isn’t my first language.


Do I need to make a decrease on neck edge on the same row as the raglan decrease? After first two neck edge dec I start to dec every other row. So does that make them go different rows or do I start third neck dec row in row?

Also does it matter what kind dec I do on neck edge?

Welcome to KH!
OK, cast off 5sts then work to the end. On the next row, call it row 1, dec 1 stitch at the raglan edge on rows 1,3,5,7,9 and so on as necessary.
Decrease at the neck edge on rows 1 and 2 then on rows 4,6,8,10 and so on as necessary. Your goal is to reach 5sts while decreasing at the raglan edge on the odd rows (probably RS rows) and decreasing at the neck edge on WS rows. Once you reach 5sts, decrease once more at the raglan edge so that you’re left with 4sts. Then follow the pattern rows.
What is the name of your pattern and designer?

Oh thank you!! That helped. I bought the pattern on etsy. It’s Agryll lady’s round and ”v” neck classic cardigans.

Look what I found on Etsy:

Thank you for the pattern information. And great find on Etsy.