Checkerboard Lace Scarf

I’ve been trying to knit the checkerboard lace scarf from the purl bee for a long while now. The pattern calls for 58 stitches to be cast on.

I did row one and everything was fine. After I did row two I counted and I only had 57 stitches. Unwilling to rip out and start over, I added a stitch and did the next row. Now I have 59.
am I supposed to me loosing and gaining a stitch every other row?
Here are the first two lines of the pattern:

Row 1 and every odd numbered row: K2, purl to last 2 stitches, k2.
Row 2: K6, *yo, ssk, k1, (k2tog, yo) 2 times, k3, repeat from * to last 2 stitches, k2.

Thanks, as always

Row 1 and every odd numbered row: K2, purl to last 2 stitches, k2.
Row 2: K6, *yo, ssk, k1, (k2tog, yo) 2 times, k3, repeat from * to last 2 stitches, k2.

The number of sts per row stays the same. When you look at the row, each yo is paired with a ssk so that every time you add a st with a yo, you decrease one st with the ssk or k2tog. I think that markers between the 10st repeats might help keep track of your sts. That way it’ll be easy to see where you may have forgotten a yo or a decrease.
Sometimes getting started with these patterns is the most dificult part. After that you can see the pattern and follow the previous rows.
This looks very pretty. Good luck witlh it!

You probably forget one of the YOs when you do row 2. Usually it’s the last one, but always check that you have a yo next to one of the decreases.

Everyone here is always very helpful. I super appreciate it.