I got three sweaters at a thrift shop for $8 total. One of them is 100% cashmere! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the yarn. :woohoo:
I got three sweaters at a thrift shop for $8 total. One of them is 100% cashmere! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the yarn. :woohoo:
Wow! Who would of thought of doing that! I can’t wait to see what you make from these!
I am totally addicted to undoing clothes - I buy from sales at shops and from charity shops and love the puzzle of unravelling - and where else can you get a sweater’s worth of yarn for a fiver?! I love taking something not so pretty and making something beautiful out of it Yay for your haul, hope you are inspired!
I would LOVE to know how to do that!
That is so cool!!