I’ve started making this hat http://www.polarknitpatterns.com/Lacy-Heart-Slouch-Hat.pdf but I have run into a problem with the chart. I don’t understand the part about having two start locations. For the second start location do I knit from there and then go back to the beginning of that row or do I just repeat from where it has me start?
Any advice would be great. Thanks!
Chart Confusion
After you do the chart from A for 13 rows, then you ignore the sts from A to B and just work the sts from B to the end for 13 rows. It’s to make some of the hearts offset above the other ones.
"For the second start location do I knit from there and then go back to the beginning of that row or do I just repeat from where it has me start?"
Your first idea is correct. Start the second row of hearts at point B in the chart, go to the end of chart row one (stitch15) and then go back to the start of chart row 1 (stitch 1) as you work your way around the hat. The heart motif will be complete for all the hearts in this set by the time you finish.
Okay, I see what you’re saying. The beginning of the round will be at point B, but to finish up the round, then she does the sts from A to B.
Thanks for the help. I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one confused by this.
I think the directions sometimes aren’t perfectly clear but if you remember to look at your sts, you’ll work it out. If it’s not right, you can always rip it out and try another way.
I love the hat. Thanks for the pattern link!