Changing number of dpns


Just a quick query, can you change the number of double pointed needles if you’ve already started knitting?

For instance I’ve started knitting in the round on 3 dpns (1 working needle, 4 in total) and its awkward for me can’t work with the triangle shape. Would like to go to 4 dpns (1 working needle, 5 in total) but would this ruin my socks because I’ve already started?

If it does ruin it I’ll continue with what I’m doing I was just curious!

Thanks :blush:

That should be prefectly fine. Four needles are often much easier to knit with because there is less strain on the joins between needles. If you pattern involves instructions for needle one, needle two and so on then you might want to place markers where the ends of those needles would be. Otherwise, knit on!


Great thank you!

The only problem I can think of with changing the number of dpn is the same as using a circular for a pattern written for dpn. IF the pattern specifies certain stitches by the number of the needle then you need to know which stitches would be on each of needles 1, 2, and 3. When I’ve encountered that on patterns I am doing on a circular I use markers to separate the stitches that would be on each needle specified and the same could work for dpn.