Changing from dpns to straight needles

I’m working on 3 dpns and the pattern requires me to go onto 2 needles how do I do this, I get so far and get stuck :upside_down_face:

Welcome to the forum. You started knitting in the round and now will be knitting flat, it sounds like. Just start knitting the stitches on the dpn with your new needle. When you reach the end of those stitches start knitting from the next one until you have worked all the stitches onto you new needle. HTH

What pattern are you using? It’s usually helpful to include a link or the name of the pattern and designer. We also like to see what you’re working on.

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Hiya thank you for your reply, I did exactly what you said but my problem came when I got to the last needle I just couldn’t knit them off the dpn because of the curve. I’ve attached the pattern and my problem started when I came to do the
hat and had to use two needles the rest was fine :slightly_smiling_face:

(Attachment bdb54762ce5753eef1a33ee7d3d92341f93b3693.pdf is missing)

Your attachment didn’t come through. Just the name and designer of the pattern is probably enough if you can.
Are you knitting the main body of the hat or the brim? If you want you can post a row or two of the instructions about changing to 2 needles. Don’t post a large portion of the pattern due to designer copyright.