CDD, Center double decrease

I have cast on as described sleeves for the Tesoro sweater(several times) and continually have a 72 stitch count it calls for 116 in my size.
Also , how is a k1, P1 pattern , then do a decrease using a CDD *P1,K1 ?

Thank you for your kind assistance.
Sorry about the sideways photo I didn’t know how to make the proper adjustments in this format.

Did you pick up sts around the armhole? It sounds like the pick up needs to be more frequently than you did. You don’t have to hit 116sts exactly. Some knitters didn’t because the sleeve was too big at the upper arm so they picked up fewer sts.
For the centered double dec, you can work as given in the pattern to the last 5sts ending with a purl and starting the CDD with k,p,k. The second stitch will be the center of the decrease. I prefer to work the CDD on p,k,p so that the knit stitch lies on top but that’s your choice.

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