H! I’m attempting another sweater. I have had this pattern (on paper!) for like 20 years and I’m finally giving it a shot. Here is the sweater:
I actually have two questions. This is knit in one piece and I’m at the point where I have to start the sleeves. I see there are several ways to cast on in the middle of a knit, what’s the best way for this project?
My second question is probably obvious. I see from other Ravelers that the sleeves are pretty long. I’d like to do a 3/4 sleeve. Can I just use what I’ve knit to measure how many stitches per inch and then figure out how long I want to make the sleeves and then math it? And I’d measure from the underarm, right? Since there isn’t really a shoulder seam? Will that negatively affect anything else on the sweater? The increases and decreases should be the same, right?
Thank you!