Casting on in pattern?

I’ve noticed that you bind off in pattern. Do you also cast on in pattern? (for my k2,p2 ribbing edge.)Because I have no clue how to. ~Brooke

I don’t know if there is a way to cast on in pattern. I have always cast on the regular way then stretched the bottom slightly when I get up a few inches to make it stretchy enough.

Yeah I decided to ignore the cast on in pattern thing because I didn’t find anywhere that said it. I guess my ignorance about knitting hats came shining through. Thanks tho…~Brooke

If there is a way it would be good since it would make it stretchier. Or maybe it would make it stretch out of shape easier. Who knows?

Some cast ons are more suitable for certain stitch patterns than others… for instance, I like the alternate cable cast on for ribbing. I rarely use the single cast on method, because I think it’s sloppy and loose. I use the cable cast on a lot too, expecially for scarves that i won’t put fringe on, because it’s very neat and firm. But I think it it a matter of preference for most people.

:thumbsup: Thanks Hilde!! :thumbsup: