Casting off while still working the gull stitch?

I am working on a pattern I have never tried before and I am a wee bit stuck.

The pattern says - Repeat last 3 rows until 18 sts remain.
I need to dec 1 st at each end for the first 2 rows and then knit 1 row straight.

There is the gull stitch at either side of my knitting, and I need to dec 1 while still working the gull stitch. The issue I’m having is that I’m suppose to dec 1, but for the gull stitch, I am suppose to bring the first stitch forward so it keeps the cabling going.

Does anyone know if I’m suppose to bring the first stitch forward first and then dec?
Or am I just suppose to dec the first stitch and work with what I have?

Thank you, in advance.
Any advice I can get I really appreciate.

What is the name of your pattern which contains the gull stitch?
It may be that you’ll have to give up the gull stitch pattern in order to work the decreases. Where were the decreases when you worked those first 3 rows, before working the gull stitch columns or after the gull stitch columns. Being able to see the pattern photo of the project itself will help.
Is this the gull stitch that you are working?

The decreases were before the gull stitch pattern.
I tried googling it first and that video popped up, but that isn’t the pattern I am working from.
The gull stitch pattern I am working is:
Row 1:Knit
Row 2:Purl
Row 3:C9
Row 4:Purl


Very pretty!
It looks like you’ll have to give up the portion of the gull stitch nearest the edge on each side in order to work the decreases. Work the background stockinette stitch in place of those gull stitches.
You’ll be able to maintain half of the gull pattern at each side at least for awhile until the decreases “eat into” that part of the stitch. Maybe that won’t be necessary though. See the cable example in this article.

What is the name of your pattern and designer please.

Thank you so much!

The pattern I am working on is - Pattern 14:Child’s Sweater with Crossover Shawl Collar from Traditional Aran Knitting by Shelagh Hollingworth.

I love the various patterns in aran knitting. That looks like a very nice source for aran patterns. Enjoy working your child’s sweater and do post a photo when you finish.

ETA: My library has an online copy of the book so I can just see the raglan shaping decreases. You’ll also have to give up parts of the pattern when you shape the front collar plackets.

I figured I would lose parts but I wasn’t sure how to carry on with these decreases.
Thank you so much for your help.
I will post a photo when I am finished. This is my first time making this sweater, hopefully it turns out alright.
Thanks again.

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