Casting Off in Faggot Stitch

Is there anyone out there that knows how to bind off faggot stitch? I found a great simple pattern for a scarf using faggot stitch K1, YO, k2tog. I want to bind off in pattern, but all other info out there says knit two and then pull the first stitch over the other. This stitch won’t allow you to because after the first stitch you end up knitting two together and then you have 3 stitches on the right needle? I am knitting a scarf for my stepdaughter’s birthday and I need to get it ready for Wednesday? Does anybody out there have the answer? Thanks in advance!

I think your best bet is to knit every stitch on the bind off–loosely. If you try to yo on the edge like that, I suspect you’ll end up with a very uneven bind off, if it’s even possible.

Since you didn’t cast-on in pattern, the ends will look similar.

Thanks for your response Ingrid. I tried a test piece, knitting each stitch as I bound off and the ends look different. I don’t think I cast-on in pattern, but the first row was the faggot stitch, and maybe that’s why the ends look different. Thanks anyway though!