Casting Off/Decreasing

I am a relatively inexperienced knitter and have a question about casting off/decreasing. I use the slip stitch/pass over and off method. When transferring that slipped stitch over to the other needle, do I

  1. Always slip it purlwise (unless otherwise directed)

  2. Slip it knitwise when working the right (knit) side of the item and purlwise when working the wrong (purl) side

  3. Keep it consistent with the pattern. If the stitch would have been a knit stitch, go with knitwise. If it would have been a purl stitch go with purlwise.

I went with the third way when increasing, but Iā€™m not sure that was correct. Was it?

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Good question. The general rule is to slip purlwise except when decreasing. When decreasing across a knitv or purl row, slip knitwise.

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Thank you.