Cast on to tight?

Well I started a “throw” today. I’m beginning to think the cast on is too tight. I’m using bernat blanket yarn. It is so soft, love it. But with the thread going through it there just doesn’t seem to have enough “give”. I’m thinking I should start over before I get too far along, in hopes it will be fine. Has anyone used this before? Should I cut my losses and start over?

Oh by the way I used a long tail cast on

I’ve used a similar yarn and there isn’t much give at all. It may help to use long tail with a size larger needle in the right hand. That’ll keep the cast on loose.
If it’s any help, I’ve never been sorry when I’ve started a project that was not quite right (nqr) over again. The yarn will make a soft and cuddly throw for sure.


Well I slept on it and had pretty much decided to start over. Then I saw your reply and took your suggestion to cast on with larger needle. So I did and it is so much better. This yarn is so “fluffy” so it kind of threw me since I hadn’t used something like it before. I was used to checking the appearance of stitches so it looked uniform and pretty. It’s a little harder with this yarn and I think I was knitting too tight. So I’m just relaxing and knitting away. Thanks for the input.