I am working the back of a sweater and am very confused by my pattern.
First, it says:
Shape left neck: Next row: (RS).
K33 (37-40-44-49-55). K2tog
(neck edge). Turn. Leave rem
sts unworked. 47 (51-56-60-67-
73) sts.
Next row: Purl.
Next row: Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog.
Next row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows until there are
30 (34-36-40-44-50) sts, ending
on a purl row.
I take this to mean that I knit 33 stitches, knit two together, turn my work, then purl the 33 stitches, which ends up with all the stitches on the right needle, as usual. Then knit to last 2, k2tog, purl, etc. on all the stitches, until I have 30 total left. All good.
The pattern then has me start casting off a few stitches at a time until, finally, I “cast off rem 7 sts.” All the math works great and I should be out of stitches at that point, as implied by “rem” :
Shape shoulder: Next row: (RS).
Cast off 8 (9-10-11-12-14) sts. Knit
to end of row.
Next row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Next row: Cast off 7 (7-8-8-9-
10) sts. Knit to end of row.
Next row: Purl.
Cast off rem 7 (7-8-8-9-10) sts.
HOWEVER, the next instruction is:
With RS facing, slip next 12 (12-
14-14-16-16) sts onto st holder for
front neck.
Join yarn to rem sts.
But there won’t be a “next 12”! Right? What’s going on? Did I screw up at the top with the 47?
Thanks for any and all help!