Cardigan cast off for under arm?

I am making this cardigan, bottom up, and when it divides for front and back there are no instructions to cast off for under arm. Is this right do you think?
The sleeves are knit cuff up and I can see there is a cast off for under arm in the shaping. I’m expecting this to match up for seaming into the arm hole but …no cast off for under arm in the body.

What do you think? Are some patterns just like this? Is it correct?

Thanks for including the link, that’s so very helpful. I found it on Ravelry and looking at photos of projects in addition to looking at the pattern, I think there are no cast off stitches under the arm. “Modified drop sleeve” is listed. Someone mentioned knitting the sleeves in the round and the instructions are “Sleeves: Cast on 36-36-38 (40-42-44) sts on double pointed needles” so there will be no sleeve seam if that helps clarify for you. salmonmac will be more confident in her reply I’m sure.

Thank you for taking the time to look at it.

I see the sleeves are knit in the round until the underarm where there are some cast offs for under arm and the sleeve cap is worked flat. My thoughts on matching up the sleeve to the body for seaming are when setting in the sleeves and seaming around the arm hole.

I have stopped at the divide for front and back in case I need to cast off a couple under the arm.

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Can you tell how the stitch counts for the sleeve and the armhole will match up? I’d try to figure it out but I fall flat on my face when I try doing something like that.

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You could bind off or place on hold the sts at the underarm on the body when you divide for the fronts and back. I don’t see that that would affect the pattern since you would be seaming underarm sts to the sleeve bound off (or held) sts regardless
It will affect the overall pattern so that you’ll have to read your sts as you continue to knit the fronts and back but that will be clear when you get to the rows.


Thank you.
So, even though it doesn’t say to either bind off or put on hold any under arm stitches on the body, I should do this anyway? This was my thought as all the sweaters I’ve made have had a few cast off underarm on the body but then I wondered if some patterns don’t require that??

I think I’ll bind a few off so they match the sleeve bind off shape under arm.

I think i can manage the stitch pattern as I’m making it colourful so the stripes and colour work are easy to see and I’ll just copy the colours from the body as I work the sleeves. Fingers crossed.

Thanks, looking at stitch count is a good idea but on this jne I can’t work out what to match or how many. The sleeve cap has stitches bound off for shaping but then it’s worked to a length, and the final bind off at the top of the sleeve just seams to the shoulder from an back so I ont think I have a stitch count to match it to.

Not only that but I’m also altering the size as I go. So far all I’ve done is work to a size width which works for my tension gauge and the size I want for the body and have extended the length from bottom to underarm…I winging it to some extent.

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That does complicate things. Ask me how I know.