Cardigan button band

Hi, I’m knitting Premmie cardigans. I want to make one with a contrasting front button band to match the cuffs and bottom band in ribbing but can’t find a pattern. The pattern I’m using has a four stitch front band. Could I knit the entire sweater leaving off those four stitches and when done go back and pick up stitches for the band? I’ve read other pattern directions and it seems that’s how it’s done. I guess I would pick up one stitch per row. Does that sound like something that would work? Thanks so much!

This can be done, sure. What pattern are you using? Picking up a stitch for every row of knitting will be too many stitches. Stockinette usually works well with pick up three sts at the end of the rows, skip one row, and repeat. Garter stitch is typically one stitch for each garter ridge. What pattern are you using?

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Hi, I’m using Marianna Lazy Daisy all in one top down cardigan or Little Babbitty Premmie cardigan jacket. They’re very similar. I’m using all stockinette for the body. I don’t understand what you mean by picking up 3 stitches and skip one. Do I pick up 3 stitches and work them as one stitch? Thanks so much!

As I think about I realize you’re saying pick up and work 3 stitches then skip one, pick up and work 3 stitches and skip one, etc. Sorry…

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Yes that’s it, a ratio of 3 stitches to every 4 rows.
You’ll obviously want to work the very bottom and very top of the band which may mean a little shuffling at one end for instance with 4 rows remaining you wouldn’t want to pick up on the first 3 and skip the 4th but instead can pick up on 1st, 2nd and 4th.
Hope that makes sense.

You’d also want to adjust to the correct multiple if you wanted a rib button band.

Yes a bit of refiguring. Thanks very much for your help!

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This video shows pu&k 3 sts, sk 1. I’m not sure exactly sure what you mean by pick up and work 3 stitches but this is the basic idea of the pu&k ratio. I pick up stitches just inside the edge stitch, she picks them up two stitches from the edge. Whatever works for you is what you should do. There are lots of other videos explaining all kinds of things about button bands but this one is pretty short in comparison. If you’re not too far into the knitting you might want to add one stitch on each edge that will be your edge stitch for picking up. If you need more help or info please do be sure to ask. HTH