I need help with a fisherman knit cardigan for a woman. It is a Lion Brand pattern #863.
I looked the pattern up and downloaded it to my computer. What do you need help with?
What kind of help do you need with it - reading the pattern, how to do stitches…?
[QUOTE=MerigoldinWA;1331632]I looked the pattern up and downloaded it to my computer. What do you need help with?[/
The instructions “shape right edge” says to dec 1 stitch on the left side of the C-12 21 times, but when I do it destroys the pattern. Shouldn’t it be done at the end of the row?
It looks like you dec only after the last C12; continue doing the knit and purl sts in that cable repeat, but when you come to the crossover row, just don’t cross the sts at the edge of it. Or keep them as knit or purl sts.
I tried that but it does not look right. It actually changes the pattern. What do you think would happen if I decreased at the end of the row?
You could dec at the end, or one st in, but after a few decs, you’re still going to run into the cable again. Then you’ll have to skip doing the cross over sts at that point.
This is the neck shaping. They want to keep that one cable 12 going up all along the side of the neck, if you took the stitch off on the edge each time it would eat away that cable. Something has to go to decrease the 21 times. You have to decide what you think looks best about where to take the stitches off. It will disrupt the pattern somewhere, it has to, so you have to decide what would please your eye best about where to take them off. Some sweaters take them off at the neck edge and just let that cable drop off, this one is not designed that way, but you could do that if you think it looks best. Otherwise take them off leaving the cable and as you lose stitches do what you think looks best with the stitches you have left after each decrease, playing it by ear, but keep track of what you did because you will have to make the other side match. The picture is not very good for showing what that area looks like in detail.
Here’s a project from ravelry, shows the detail quite a bit better. The neck cable merges with the one being decreased and it looks really good. Much better than just decreasing at the front/neck edge.
Sue, yesterday your link wouldn’t work for me, but today it did. :?? Did you notice the gal’s comment.
I think I made a mistake when shaping the front as the pattern says to decrease 1 st on the left side of the big cable. I did not want to frog and it doesnt look bad.
So it sounds like she didn’t think she had done it the way the pattern said to. Unless I made the sweater, I don’t think I understand what they wanted and how that would have worked out. What she did worked quite well.
No I didn’t look at her coments, just the picture. I think it worked out really well, whether that’s what the pattern intended or not.