Below are the pattern instructions. I have completed knitting the back and front of my sweater (through raglan armholes and front), and am confused about the Neck. I now have 54 sts on holder for back, and 64 sts on needle for front. Am I joining the front and back at this point? Do I follow these instructions for both the back and front? The next steps are the sleeves.
Thank you for your help.
Raglan Armholes: Bind off 4 (5-6-7) at beg of next 2 rows.
Row 3: K2, k2tog, work to last 4 sts, sl1, k1, psso, k2.
Row 4: K4, work Pat to last 4 sts, k4.
Rep last 2 rows 29 (31-32-34) times more. Place 38 (40-48-54) sts on holder.
Front: Work same as Back until there are 25 (27-28-30) raglan decs and 48 (50-58-64) sts on needle, ending with a dec row.
Neck: Work 15 (15-17-19) sts, place center 18 (20-24-26) on holder, join 2nd ball yarn, work to end. Working each side with separate yarn, continue to dec for armholes 5 times more and at the same time, bind off 2 (2-4-4) sts from neck edges once. Dec 1 st at neck edges every row 7 (7-7-9) times. Fasten off last st.