Cape Cont.

So, I am back in school to be a nurse. What made me think that I could make that wonderful cape in time for Christmas? That is craziness on my behalf! I have baking and cleaning etc to do before Christmas but I am doing school until December 15- how did I think I would have time to do the project? I am just realizing now how unrealistic that ambition was. It is also sad- I had beautiful plans…


School is so worthwhile that it beats out just about everything else. You’ll find time for the other things that need to be done and maybe even some knitting time. We have such a need for nurses right now too. It’s awesome that you’re doing this.
The cape will be all the more welcome when you do have the time to relax and knit.


We need nurses! Thank you for training to be a nurse. You’re not alone in thinking something can be finished by a certain time. You’ll have time for knitting later and the cape will be worth the wait.


Thanks ladies, I needed the encouragement and I sure appreciate you! <3


Good for you. It was a wonderful profession for me.