Can't interpret a pattern- help! I'm knit-illiterate

Hello again,

I hope this message finds you well.

I have another question about my sweater’s pattern please. This sweater is almost done- I can’t wait to show you.

But could you help clarify this instruction (attached). So the first two rows are:

  1. (RS) K3 (P2K2repeat to end )

  2. P2K2 then end on P2K1

then it says to repeat last two rows (K2P2), but I am not clear if this means that row 3 should start with K3 again and then *repeat P2K2, and then row 4 ends P2K2 till the last 3, P2K1 again, or if I should just do P2K2 continually till 6cm.

Any feedback would be much appreciated. Refer to the attachment.

Many thanks


What is the name of your pattern please?
Repeat rows 1 and 2 as written. So yes, row 3 will start with K3.