O.k., I need help, please…
I’m on a Row 21 repeat of the shawl pattern which says
Row 21: (K, YO, K) *P2, K4, (Sl 2-K1-P2sso), K4, P2, (K, YO, K) repeat from * to end
Now, I’m cool with all of that, know what I’m doing and such…but when I try to do the (K, YO, K) part…I only have one stitch which to do that upon. I have tripple checked my last row, and it all comes out exactly as the pattern called for…so I don’t understand how I can NOT have two stitches upon which to knit, adding one inbetween. I’ve checked the corrections to the patterns and such, and I have been using the corrected pattern. I’m at a loss.
Thank you for looking!