Can you decipher my shaping my sleeve pattern?

it says: Dec 1 st at each of next 7 rows; then on following 5 alternateve rows, then on every 4th row?

I am not sure what to do?? I an on trip and stuck now and can’t find a knit shop.

Dec 1 st at each of next 7 rows; then on following 5 alternateve rows, then on every 4th row?

I think “alternateve” means to be alternate. You don’t have to decrease right at the very end, it fact it is better to leave 1 or 2 sts before/after each dec. If alternate is what you meant you would do it as follows:

Dec 1 st at each end of the next seven rows. That would be
Row 1: Work 1, decrease, work across to the last 2 stitches, dec, work 1.
Repeat that row for a total of 7 times. Then begin doing the same sort of decreases but do them only every other row instead of each row. So they will all fall on either the right side or the wrong side. You do that 5 times. Then you work 3 rows with no decreases and decrease on each end of the next row. That would be the 4th row. Keep doing that however many times it tells you to.