Can you count my stitches & rows please

hello all,

Managed to get my knitting nice and neat for my niece’s ballet wrap top and just finished the first piece which is the left front. Trouble is if I am counting the swatch square I have marked off with pins then it seems I have made it half the size it should be.

Can you help me please I think I have measured 22 stitches across and 30 rows down

what do you make it?

Thanks for your trouble

I count 15 rows and 11 stitches between the pins.

so I guess i have been counting the stitiches and rows wrong then

so one complete v is a stitch and one complete v is a row :??

If that is so then my knitting appears to be perfect. unfortunately my neice is a 4 hour drive away and her mum isn’t the best at measuring her. the trouble is the length just looks so short and obviously I cannot measure the chest as it is a wrap top.

guess I will just have to continue and hope for the best at least if it works out too small it will fit her little sister - just hope it comes out the right shape. :eyebrow:

Yes, one complete V is a stitch and a row.

And yes, you’re knitting looks perfectly fine! :happydance: