Can someone please help

I have nearly completed my first cardigan. It’s is by no means perfect, but been fun trying.
However I am stuck on the left front border.
It says work as given for right front border, picking up in reverse and omitting button holes.

Do I pick up stitches using a pearl stitch then follow rib pattern?
I did the right front border from bottom up, do I do the left border top down?
Do I pick up on right side facing?

This has really got me baffled

Any help would be much appreciated x
Thanks in advance x x

You can use the knit stitch to pick up the stitches but as you suggested, pick up the left front top down. Same method as the right front just top down. Yes, pick up with the right side (public side) facing. Sounds like you’ve got this in hand already.
Congrats on the first cardigan. We’d love to see a photo if you’d like to post one.

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