Hello! I’m nearing the end of the back panel for the octopus and I just wanted to check my logic before I mess up.
I added 2 extra stitches each side for the seaming so the pattern has 86 stitches and I have 90. My thinking was that I’d only need one extra for the raglan decreases? Or is it normally 2 and I’m misremembering.
So using the chart as a guide I thought I’d cast off 5 stitches each side of row 69 so that I’d have 80 stitches going into the decrease (pattern has 78).
Then do a decrease on each side of every row both knit and purl side.
Is there anything really glaringly wrong at this point?
Thanks everyone. Not feeling massively confident in proceeding until someone tells me I’m not an idiot. Or that I am!