Can I please check my octopus logic?

Hello! I’m nearing the end of the back panel for the octopus and I just wanted to check my logic before I mess up.

I added 2 extra stitches each side for the seaming so the pattern has 86 stitches and I have 90. My thinking was that I’d only need one extra for the raglan decreases? Or is it normally 2 and I’m misremembering.

So using the chart as a guide I thought I’d cast off 5 stitches each side of row 69 so that I’d have 80 stitches going into the decrease (pattern has 78).

Then do a decrease on each side of every row both knit and purl side.

Is there anything really glaringly wrong at this point?

Thanks everyone. Not feeling massively confident in proceeding until someone tells me I’m not an idiot. Or that I am! :rofl:

IMG_0799 IMG_0821

Just checked a raglan pattern I have and there are 2 extra stitches after the decreases (k2, ssk and k2tog, kk2) so I guess just decrease the 4 after all.

It looks like the pattern decreases 20sts each side at the underarm (row 45) when knit in the round so you would need to decrease 10sts each side for knitting flat?

This is a good time to check that your row gauge is on or near the pattern row gauge. That’s going to affect the length of the back from armhole bind off to end of raglan decreases. You may need to fiddle with the frequency or number of sts decreased per row to prevent having too long or too short armholes.

Hi @salmonmac hope you’re well!

I’m not entirely sure that I understand on the decreases at row 45 but I’ve realised that I may have muddied the waters by putting in the photo of the decreases the way they appear in the pattern and not the way up I’ll be knitting it. (So the stitch number on the bottom is in reverse on the pattern vs how I’ll be doing it)


Does that make any sense? Or more sense? Or any sense? :joy:

Ah, ok. So the green dashed line is the center back?
I’m fascinated by the pattern and by how quickly you are progressing with it.
We’re all warm and cozy here and enjoying the snow. Good time for shoveling and knitting though not at the same time. Hmmm.

Yes, that’s right. The green is centre back. Sorry for the extra confusion!

How much snow have you got? I’m in north east England so it rarely gets super cold but we’re British so we like to complain about the weather no matter what it’s doing.

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Oh we’re good at complaining here too. We have about 6 inches which is nothing compared to farther north in New Jersey, New York where I grew up. But we have to make do with our 6 inches and get all the complaints out there.
Hope you have a cold but not bone-chilling winter and a beautiful spring to follow!

I thought you said you were a slow knitter???
You appear to be zooming along!

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Hahahaa! My husband has been away so I’ve had loads of time to knit. He’s back now so I’ll have to go making proper meals and having conversations so normal service will be resumed!