I really hate set-in sleeves and sleeve caps. Really. That’s all.
Can I just say
Oh, join the club! The results are worth it, but they are such a pain! I’m working on a pattern right now with set-in sleeve caps and I’m just dreading the sewing-up process…
I’m with you! I hate seaming, especially sleeve caps, so I avoid it by picking up and knitting the sleeves from the body. You should try it, much easier than seaming.
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=7][COLOR=olive][B] ME TOO!!! [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
I’m so totally with you it isn’t even funny!:knitting:
Is it possible to convert the pattern to something else instead?
Well, I didn’t realize I hated them until now. I’d done the set-in sleeves once before, but thought I’d made a mistake when they wouldn’t fit properly. Now I’ve learned that that’s how they are and the amount of fiddling required.
In future, you can be darned sure I’ll alter the pattern in some way!
Glad to know I’m not alone in this! LOL
This is just a suggestion, and you can do with it as you please, or toss it out with the bathwater:
I don’t remember the official name for this type of sleeve, but the body of the garment is knit square up to what would be the tops of the shoulder -about 4" short (on an adult female, say) of meeting in the middle. The sleeve is knit up the to armpit with the proper amount of increase to shape from the wrist to the upper arm of the sleeve. Since you have not done any armpit shaping to the body of the garment, the shoulder is dropped - over the cap of the shoulder - by a few inches. Then the shoulder of the sleeve is knit square up to the neckline. In other words, the cap of the sleeve comes up over the shoulder seam, accross the top of the shoulder, where the top of the back and the top of the front are attached on either side. you would still have to do a little stitching, but, NO SHAPING. The result is a little bit military looking - like it should have epilots or something, but it saves shaping.
Wish I could remember the name…
Amen! It takes a little time and practice to learn, but it makes it much easier, and the finished product looks nicer.
[COLOR=“DarkOrchid”]I used to knit raglan sleeves all the time and found them terribly frustrating because of all the time the wide width of the arm used to take to knit up.
Now that I’m back to knitting again, I welcomed being able to do a set-in sleeve. I found it no problem at all… but then, I didn’t really know what I was doing… maybe that helps… LOL!
TEMA:knitting: [/COLOR]