Hello everyone
I am really struggling with sewing the hood part of this child’s jacket
The pattern is Sirdar 1813
I’m am pretty sure I’ve followed the pattern correctly but now when it comes to sewing it up, I seem to have hit a blank!! I just have no clue how to make this hood fit!
On the pink one, I tweaked it to make it fit on, but I don’t think it’s right as the shoulder seams don’t look like the pattern picture-the hood shouldn’t be attached to the shoulder part surely!
So with the blue one, I sewed the shoulder properly but now what do I do with the hood???
Has anyone made this pattern before…or has anyone any ideas?? Please - and thank you so much
Can anyone help me with how to sew this up.....please?!
Those are both adorable little hoodies.
Is it possible that you have an extra stockinette panel or cable panel in the blue one? The pink one seems to have fewer cables?
I don’t know if you’re making the same size as this project but it looks like it has 2 cables next to each other on the hood.
Perhaps counting across the hood would help you figure this out. You could also give us just the row that tells you how to cast on for the hood. Don’t give us more of the pattern due to designer copyright please.
Thank you so much for replying
with the hood I had to leave 24 sets on holder when completing the back
Then to start the hood on the blue one (age 4-5) I cast on 38 sets, knitted the 24 from stitch holder, cast on 38= 100 sts.
That’s what I have - 4 repeats of the cable with the st.st. panels in between
I have the same with the pink one (6-12 months size) but I kind of made it fit… but I know the shoulder looks wrong. The hood just seems far too wide for the space I have
I’ve checked and rechecked the pattern to what I’ve knitted- I’m so frustrated with it.
I think these are destined for the ‘sin bin’ but they took me quite a while to make and I used quite an expensive yarn … which I don’t normally do for little children as they grow out of things so fast! So - do the big question is do I bin them, or can I adapt it somehow.
I think there are ways you can possibly make the hood work as is. What about easing the hood into the neck space? Gathering it in a bit before seaming? The hood on this project is gathered in a bit so it fits into the neck.
It would be a shame to give up on it. It’s too nice a sweater.
At worst you might reknit the hood section with fewer sts
It would be such a shame for this to go in the sin bin, as you put it, these are beautiful.
I am not at all experienced with knitting but I like to look at the threads and learn a bit as I go along.
There are lots and lots of photos of this on ravely which @salmonmac has already linked to (thanks), and I’ve look at lots of them, also with the other style colars.
Could it be possible that you’ve picked up incorrectly on the front edging and there is no problem with the back or hood?
Looking at all those finished projects the cable runs directly up the front parallel and up to over the shoulder. The cable is even width all the way up. The rib button edging is even width all the way up.
On your photo (both colours) the cable nearest the rib edging disappears into the rib edge, not staying even width.
The pink one i agree is wrong connected at the shoulder.
The grey/blue looks like you have joined the shoulder panel correctly.
To me it seems the rib edge of the button hole rib should have stopped further down. This would keep the cable and rib running parallel and the result would bea longer neck edge to fit your hood neck edge into.
I may be saying this in a really bad way. Perhaps have a look at the pictures and enlarge them on ravelry. Maybe have a look at your project and imagine the rib ending sooner (at that the top of the little panel of st st, not ribbed into the cable) and then laying inthe hood across that longer edge and see if it can fit better.
I also think the hood rib and the front button rib are join at slightly different angle to each other, not flat, most of the projects have been sewn flat so that rib edge runs smooth like in your pink one but I don’t think it should be. The photo on the pattern has a slightly different lay to it which helps structure the lay of the hood.
It’s just my thought.
I hope you manage to work something out because they really are lovely.
I hope this photo from ravelry loads
I think this shows the parallel nature of cable and rib that I’m trying to explain
See how the button rib edge never runs into that thin st st panel or the cable?
Ah - yes, I do see what you mean…I do think I’ve possibly picked up too many stitches on the front button bands!
Day off work tomorrow so a bit of time for some ‘unpicking’ I think!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and giving me some ideas where I went wrong
I’ll have another go! It’s been driving me bonkers trying to figure it out
I’ve tried to do a picture. Never done this before…
I’m suggesting join red to red (sorry it means take out the rib edge)
Join Green to green and blue joins back on itself.
Not sure exact placement of the cable on the hood but … maybe it helps
I added picture i drew on
On the two white and blue cardigan examples, the hood cable (the one I didn’t colour up) has been joined in two different places. I think a bit of tight fitting in and tacking might help you decide where best to put it and then the blue and green are forced in to fit on either side.
Good luck with the ripping out and redoing.
Before you rip out, measure about how many sts you’ll need to cast on to make the hood seam into the neck space. That’ll help with reworking the hood if you decide to go that way.
Good luck with it and let us know how it’s going.
Oh wow! That’s amazingly helpful- thank you so much
If only I could knit like that I would be over the moon. Looks fantastic.
At last!! They’re finished- I was determined to not let them beat me! But after lots of unpicking and redoing the button bands and shoulder seams - I got there. Couldn’t have done it without all of your fabulous suggestions as to where I’d gone wrong - so a HUGE thank you x
they look absolutely fabulous!
Truly wonderful and well worth the additional effort I’d say, whoever wears these will be super happy, snuggly and the envy of all.
Well done.
I’ve never made anything this complicated, I am really impressed.
Great job and well worth the extra effort. The sweaters will be warm and cozy hugs from you.
Wow those are wonderful!
Hi I am new to this site and also having problems with this jacket. I am doing the hood now and just cannot understand the instructions.I am doing 4th size
Cast on 32 stitches and work across 22 stitches on stitch holder at back of neck as follows
patt 6, k10, patt 6 cast on 32 stitches.
I have no idea what pattern to do. Then row 1 and 2 are in similar vein and 1st and 2nd rows set position of pattern. I am so confused. Tempted just to do the hood in stocking stitch.
Welcome to KnittingHelp!
The pattern is probably a repeat of the cables on the fronts. maybe p2, cable cross 4, p2.
You can get some idea of the placement of the cables in the photos on this Ravelry project:
It shows the cables on the sides of the hood and the ones on the back panel.
Also the photo that Creations1 posted shows the cable on the hood.
Thank you for getting back to me. First time I had looked at Ravellry photos.
Can now see how the pattern is broken down, but looks as though on written instructions there are 4 cables, but in photos only two?
For now I will knit hood in just stocking stitch. It is such a lovely jacket I would like to do it another time with the cables on hood.
There are two cables on the back panel which are the ones described in the row you quoted above. There will also be one cable each on the side panels. Stockinette stitch will work just fine if you prefer. The hood may be a bit larger because the stitch number takes into account the fact that the cables pull the fabric in.